Addiction is a repetitive indulgence in a particular behaviour. Technological addiction is fast catching up with the world. Twitter and facebook is the new way of life that is “villaging” the world like never before. The smart phone is replacing the basic phone at a supersonic speed.
Ed tech companies are burning the midnight oil as they try to ensure the dawn of students light up with real learning solutions. I see a world slowly phasing out paper-work and embracing tablet-phone learning environment. I only imagine how the world will be in the next century if not a semicentury or a lustrum.
Ed tech in learning helps in a number of ways. Sorting of data is simplified hence reducing the clumsiness of turning hard copies in search for information. By cutting down on the usage of paper, use of technology encourages a green economy which minimizes the depletion of forests.
Technology in learning drastically cuts down the cost of accessing study material. Huge data is managed in a small space that would have been a ten-fold cost a decade ago.
The big question is,” Will Technology Addiction Improve Learning.” My answer is,”Yes.”
Mobile learning and applications are here to stay and will continue to disrupt learning for a much longer period than anyone would predict.
The bottom line remains that parents and teachers work hand in hand in ensuring that students get the best use of ed tech without inflicting any harm on them. Governments should also be supportive in ushering the irreversable wave of Ed tech.
By Timothy Keter,
Impact Study Lead,
Eneza Education