On November 3, 2013, a rare geographical experience will occur across various countries. Solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, blocking direct sunlight from reaching the earth’s surface. The eclipse of the sun occurs in intervals of either 1,5 or 6 synodic months.
Total Solar eclipse normally occurs during a full moon where the moon is aligned to the sun hence blocking sun rays from reaching the earth. It happens during the daytime and lasts for a very short time. The longest eclipse occurred in January 15, 2010 and lasted for 11 minutes and 7.8 seconds.
Five african countries will experience the total solar eclipse of November 3, 2013. It includes Gabon, Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. In Kenya, the eclipse is expected to happen as from 1625 hrs to 1827 hrs with the total solar eclipse expected at 1725 hrs. Sibiloi National Park near Lake Turkana will be the best viewpoint for the eclipse.
It is important to note that looking at the eclipse with a naked eye can cause blindness. Anybody viewing the occurrence should wear dark glasses to avoid potential damage to their eyesight.
By Timothy Keter, Impact Study Lead, Eneza Education